Other WHS Courses

We offer customized WHS training programs designed to meet the specific needs of your organisation. Our additional WHS training programs cover topics such as WHS for managers and supervisors, WHS risk management, manual handling, permit to work and more.

As a pre-requisite, please complete the following Evidence of Identity form and bring it in on the day of your class.

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WHS for Managers and Supervisors

Equip leaders with safety management skills to ensure compliance and protect the well-being of the workforce.

WHS Risk Management Training

Develop expertise in risk assessment and control strategies to enhance workplace safety and minimize hazards effectively.

Due Diligence training for Officers

Understand legal obligations and due diligence requirements for officers responsible for workplace safety, minimizing liability risks.

Manual Handling (Hazardous Manual Tasks)

Learn to safely manage physically demanding tasks to reduce the risk of workplace injuries.

Hazardous Chemicals

Master safe handling and storage practices for hazardous chemicals, safeguarding the workplace and health of employees.

Permit to Work

Implement controlled processes for work permits, ensuring safe and efficient task execution within the workplace.

Noise/Hearing Conservation

Protect employees' hearing and prevent noise-induced issues through noise control measures and conservation strategies.

Return to Work Training

Support injured employees with effective recovery and reintegration strategies, minimizing workplace disruptions and maintaining productivity.

Incident/Accident Investigation Training

Acquire the skills to conduct thorough incident analyses, identify root causes, and prevent future workplace accidents and injuries.

Your Partner in Safety Excellence

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you in achieving your safety objectives.